
TimeSlot Scheduler

“A Facility Time Slot Reservations Scheduling System”

Available in both single and network versions

* Parks & Recreation Depts
* Baseball/Softball Complexes
* Tennis & Racquet Ball Clubs
* HockeyRinks
* Golf Courses(Tee-Times)  
* Indoor Sports Facilities
* YMCA’s
* School Athletic Facilities
* Function Rooms / Class Rooms

*Schedule lessons with Tennis and Golf Pro’s,
*Appointments for Doctors/Dentists,
*Technicians, Equipment, etc

If you’re looking for a new, simple, inexpensive way of scheduling and controlling time slot reservations at your athletic facilities… here it is, “TimeSlot Scheduler”.

The days of using paper appointment books, calendars, worksheets or wall charts to schedule time slot reservations are over.   This inexpensive, easy to learn and use, software program is designed specifically for people who schedule or book facility time slot reservations.  The program completely eliminates the double booking problem and the tedious task of hand writing users into weekly time slots.

TimeSlot Scheduler lets you schedule or book users into time slots for tennis and racquet ball courts, hockey rinks, soccer fields, baseball diamonds, gymnasiums, etc. It can also be used to schedule individuals such as; tennis   and golf pro’s, doctors, dentists, technicians, etc.

Getting started is a snap. Simply install the program, create your own custom file of time slots, and be scheduling users or customers into time slots in less than 15 minutes.

The program creates custom time slot databases for up to 40 locations or individuals per file.  Each location can have from 1 to 256 time slots a day.     To create a database file, simply name the locations, select the days of the week, enter the start time and the desired time slot increment of; 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 minutes, or enter any increment you want (example, golf  Tee- times, every 8 minutes).  The program creates, in seconds, up to 3.7 million time slots per file for up to one year.

The program “auto saves” information as it is typed into a time slot (no need to save files).  The network version of TimeSlot Scheduler prevents the same time slot from being assigned by two different computers at the same  time (eliminates the double booking problem).

Scheduling the same user into the same time slot, for a whole season, is quick and easy using “smart fill”.  Simply enter the user’s name, fee, and any remarks in the first time slot.  Then turn on smart fill and enter a “fill to date”.  The same user will be entered into that time slot each week in less than a second. Smart fill does not overwrite time slots that already contain a user entry. This allows you to pre-schedule tournaments, special one time events, days closed (holidays), etc.

Smart Fill, Smart Delete, and Smart Search are just some of the quick key commands that make the job of controlling large numbers of time slots simple and easy. Instantly jump to any date, location, time slot, or different file.

Time Slot Scheduler is a true productivity tool that will save you time and money by reducing a time consuming job of scheduling your facilities to a simple task. Current users tell us they can’t believe we solved their time slot scheduling problem for only $299.00.

Below is a typical computer work screen that displays time slots for Court 3 on Thursday, Jan 9, 1997.

Computer Work Screen

DATE: JAN 9, 1997 THU   LOCATION: COURT-3                          FILE: COURTS98       
USE Arrows PgUp-PgDn – HOME – END keys to view time slots.

The Remarks field for each time slot, can be expanded on the screen to include up to 256 lines of text.  This allows name lists, telephone or account numbers, notes, rosters, etc. to be added to each time slot.   Smart fill includes all information for a time slot, including all information    in the Remarks field.


  • Print a full season time slot list for each user, with or without a fee for each time slot on the list.
  • Print a DAILY REPORT for one location, or all locations on the same date. A daily report lists all time slots at each location listing scheduled users and open time slots.
  • Select and print a full file list of any time slot, listing all users for the entire file.
  • The program automatically saves a copy of a printed time slot lists as a text file that is easily imported into other programs.

An important feature of the program is printing a time slot list for each user or customer of their time slots for the entire season (see sample below). The option to include the fee for each time slot is provided (totaled).

Time slot list for:   Taylor Rental         File: Courts Page 1  Printed: Nov 9, 1997 1:55pm
Sep  4, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Sep 11, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Sep 18, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Sep 25, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Oct  2, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Oct  9, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Oct 16, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Oct 23, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Oct 30, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Nov  6, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Nov 13, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Nov 20, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Dec  4, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Dec 11, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Dec 18, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Jan  1, 1997Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Jan  8, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Jan 15, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Jan 22, 2998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Jan 29, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Feb  5, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Feb 12, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Feb 19, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Feb 26, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Mar  5, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Mar 12, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Mar 19, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Mar 26, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Apr  2, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Apr  9, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Apr 16, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Apr 23, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3   48.00.
Apr 30, 1998Thu7:00pmCourt-3  48.00.
 TOTAL =1584.00.

The user list of tiime slots above, provides a user or customer with an accurate full season list of time slots assigned to them.  Notice the 7:00pm time slots for Nov 27 (Thanksgiving) and Jan 25 (Christmas) are not included on the list. Smart fill skipped those dates because all time slots on those dates had a prior entry such as, Closed or Christmas, etc.  A copy of this list can also be sent to your accounting department for billing purposes.

Other program options allow you to password protect access to the database files menu, customize column title names, select the time display format, and an option to print a user permit, authorization, instructions, etc., with each user time slot list.  The permit file can be custom worded using your own word processor program. The permit is saved as a file  and can be recalled at any time and be updated or changed.

The number of potential uses for TimeSlot Scheduler is endless. Anything that is scheduled, whether it be athletic facilities, people, function rooms, equipment, etc.

TimeSlot Scheduler runs on any MSDOS 640k PC, including laptops. It runs under DOS, Windows 3.X, and Windows 95. The network version allows up to 10 computers to use the program and the same data files simultaneously and will not allow double booking of time slots.

Compare the features of TimeSlot Scheduler to similar programs on the market selling for $3000.00 to $12,000.00. Other programs are not only expensive, but are complex, difficult to learn and use, and require a significant amount of training usually requiring an additional annual fee for technical support.

Bob Rioux
Sports Software Associates
PO Box 512683
Punta Gorda,  FL  33951-2683

Tel: 941-833-2215
Fax: 941-833-2219
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